If you are going through hell, keep going.
Почему-то про Одиннадцатого мне говорить очень трудно. Вот и теперь - собиралась писать про него, а получилось почему-то про Эми. Видимо, слова для Доктора мне ещё предстоит найти.
Поскольку на сказках меня сегодня, кажется, немного заклинило, я продолжу сказочную тему (а позже перечитаю эту запись и с укоризной пошевелю вставшими дыбом волосами). Первый слой этой истории - сказка для Эми. Второй - сказка для Доктора.

Море, море...

Продолжение следует, но позже.

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28.02.2024 в 02:58

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28.02.2024 в 06:00

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29.02.2024 в 01:17

Dating is a journey that encompasses the enchanting of vulnerable connection, personal rise, and exciting discoveries. It is a method through which individuals traverse dreamt-up possibilities, getting to recall each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to share experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and design expressive connections.

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29.02.2024 в 06:24

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18.03.2024 в 20:59

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20.03.2024 в 05:48

Today, I want to share something special with you, something that, in my opinion, has tremendous potential for the growth of your capital and the development of a new market.

I'm talking about the new AUT token from Autentic.Capital, which opens the doors to the world of tokenizing real assets (RWA). This is a chance not only to invest in something new and promising but also to have the opportunity to earn from the growth and development of this segment. I have already invested myself and see significant potential in this project. The token offers many advantages, including voting rights, discounts for launching and purchasing RWA projects, as well as participation in various staking and bug hunting programs. The second presale round is currently underway at a very attractive price, so don't miss your chance!

Furthermore, I want to highlight Autentic.Capital's referral program, offering a generous 20% commission in USDT for attracting new participants. Just think, where else will you find such conditions in today's affiliate program landscape? This is a unique opportunity not only to support the project's development but also to earn by bringing in new investors. Rumor has it that a two-tier referral program will be launched soon, further increasing your earning potential.

Tokenizing real assets is the future that is already unfolding, and investing in AUT tokens today can bring you significant profits in the future. Click on the link, register, and start earning with Autentic.Capital.

Autentic.Capital's referral program

Wishing everyone successful investments and a great weekend!

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